Join Groomsport Parish Church
The more time you spend with God, the more your faith in Him will grow.

Mid Week
Tuesday - Compline
7:30 pm
Wednesday - Prayer for Revival (in Church)
11:00 am
Wednesday - Wednesdays in the Word (in Halls)
3:00 pm
Thursday - Holy Communion
11:00 am
Holy Communion
8:30 am
1st Sunday - Family
10:30 am
2nd Sunday - Parish Communion
10:30 am
3rd Sunday - Service of the Word
10:30 am
4th Sunday - Morning Prayer
10:30 am
5th Sunday - Service of the Word
10:30 am
Live Streaming
The 10:30 am services are live-streamed from our beautiful Church every week.
1st Sunday - Evening Prayer
6:00 pm
2nd Sunday - Compline
6:00 pm
3rd Sunday - Evening Prayer
6:00 pm
4th Sunday - Holy Communion
6:00 pm
5th Sunday - Compline
6:00 pm
Mid Week
Tuesday - Compline
7:30 pm
Wednesday - Prayer for Revival (in Church)
11:00 am
Wednesday - Wednesdays in the Word (in Halls)
3:00 pm
Thursday - Holy Communion
11:00 am
1st Sunday - Family
10:30 am
2nd Sunday - Parish Communion
10:30 am
3rd Sunday - Service of the Word
10:30 am
4th Sunday - Morning Prayer
10:30 am
5th Sunday - Service of the Word
10:30 am
Live Streaming
The 10:30 am services are live-streamed from our beautiful Church every week.
1st Sunday - Evening Prayer
6:00 pm
2nd Sunday - Compline
6:00 pm
3rd Sunday - Evening Prayer
6:00 pm
4th Sunday - Holy Communion
6:00 pm
5th Sunday - Compline
6:00 pm
A Prayer For Serenity
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference.